Jacky Chua
Accredited as an Associate Certified Coach by International Coach Federation (ICF) of Singapore, he has spent over a thousand hours coaching and training organizations for the last decade. Jacky is sought after as a voice of expertise on sales, building sales team and entrepreneurship. His methods are localized and highly relevant for today’s sales climate. Jacky’s training incorporates application, engagement and relevancy through an assortment of activities include individual work, group discussion and presentations, role-plays, case studies.
Application: To ensure that participants can immediately apply the next day at work
Engagement: To inject humor, positive vibes involving participants to increase retention of learning
Relevancy: To illustrate industry-specific case studies and examples throughout
Accredited as an Associate Certified Coach by ICF Singapore.
Author of 5 books on leadership, coaching, sales and entrepreneurship, with over 10,000 combined copies sold to date
Nominee for JCI Singapore (TOYP 2014)
List of Clients
MNCs: Starhub, Citibank, Great Eastern, Prudential, AIA, AXA
SMEs: Aflex Ships Equipment, Lee Motor, iZeem, Air Connection
Schools & Institutes: Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic, SIM, MDIS, SCCCI, StJobs, SIRS.
Media features
938NOW, Her World, The Straits Times, BFM89.9 (Malaysia)
Training Topic(s)